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Case Results

Estate of Gargano v. University of Chicago Hospitals

Verdict: $8 Million

A hospital nurse transposed the numbers on a physician order causing the patient to receive 5 times the recommended dose of a chemotherapy drug.  The hospital's nurses failed to cross-check the order against the label of the I.V. drug bag received from the Pharmacy Department.  The plaintiff's decedent was undergoing his last round of chemotherapy and had a prognosis for survival of ninety-five percent.  This case was featured on ABC's "20/20" television show.

Kurt Lloyd

 Kurt D. Lloyd is a jury trial lawyer based in Chicago who represents victims of personal injury or wrongful death.  He is smart, tough, and never gives up on his client's case. Kurt works tirelessly to protect and advance his clients right to a trial by jury.  With over 30 years of experienc...

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55 E. Monroe Street,
Suite 3800

Chicago , IL
