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Jury Selection:

The Art and Law of Juror DeSelection

Kurt D. Lloyd on Jury Selection is the first and only published book for trial lawyers, which comprehensively covers jury selection in Illinois, including:

  • statutory procedure for selecting jurors
  • law and rules for voir dire questioning of jurors
  • evidentiary standards for challenging for cause biased jurors
  • social media and juror discovery
  • juror misconduct and juror removal or mistrial

Kurt D. Lloyd is a plaintiff's trial lawyer who focuses on medical malpractice and other catastrophic injury cases. On trial, Mr. Lloyd has won jury verdicts in malpractice cases at three times the average rate of other trial lawyers.

If you are a personal injury lawyer, then get your copy of Kurt D. Lloyd on Jury Selection now.

Subscribe to my blog at, and receive a copy of the book at cost.

Regularly $69.95, now at $19.95.

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Lloyd Law Group LTD. Helping The Injured Win Back Their Lives. Call for a Free Consultation 312-640-0204


55 E. Monroe Street,
Suite 3800

Chicago , IL
